Broom removal, brush cutting, parking area along the nature trail

Broom Removal







The past three weeks in March saw CERCA volunteers busily working along the trail cutting and removing broom by the ton!Thanks to our volunteers broom removal has been completed in time. We are now in the process of widening the trail to the required dimension selectively cutting back blackberries and other vegetation and also preparing the sites for the proposed billboards and platforms along the trail. All work on vegetation removal and cutting will be completed by the end of March prior to the bird breeding season. The cut broom has been stock-piled along the causeway to be removed by Western Stevedoring. Last week we also have started to work on the parking area for the trail. BC Hydro has generously donated telephone poles for the demarcation of the perimeter of the parking area. We are now waiting for the site to dry up before bringing in fill and gravel for the parking lot which then will be landscaped by the end of May/early June. We are also waiting for Western Stevedoring to install a new footbridge at the trail-head which hopefully will happen soon. The old bridge (photo below) is no longer safe and will have to be replaced. 


Placing the Swallow Nesting Boxes


CERCA's Estuary Swallow Recovery Project