Inauguration of Causeway Breaching Project

Completion of Bridge in Cowichan Bay



On Saturday March 28, 2015 we celebrated the completion of the "Breaching the Dyke" Project. The breach is now spanned by a double -lane bridge which facilitates the traffic to the Westcan Terminal. It was a great moment to see the red ribbon cut by Lori Iannidinardo, CVRD Director of Area D, and Arved Charly, a well known and highly respected Elder of Cowichan Tribes. The ceremony was well attended by about 50 CERCA members and guests taking part in this historic event.

 Breaching the artificial dyke re-enables water circulation and ecosystem functioning of the estuary for the first time in 60 years, ever since the trestle bridge located at this location had been replaced by infilling in the 60s, effectively dividing the estuary into two sections. It now is for the first time in 60 years that fresh water of the South Fork of the Cowichan River will flow again into the southern section of the estuary facilitating access by salmon smolt from the Cowichan River to the only eelgrass fields left in the estuary between Hecate Park and the Westcan Terminal.

I am pleased to let you know that we observed the first two schools of Chum smolt floating with the current at high tide from the South Fork of the Cowichan River under the bridge to the southern section of the estuary two days after completion of the breach, a first indicator of what we had hoped to achieve. Jointly with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans we now will monitor the biota under the bridge via underwater cameras and sonar equipment until the month of June.

At the opening ceremony Brad Eshelman, the CEO of Western Stevedoring, our partner in this project and current Lessee of this Crown Lease, pledged an additional  $12,500 to cover part of the budget shortfall we experienced due to having to construct a double-lane bridge. This is a welcome sign of good-will by the Westcan Terminal OIperator,  hopefully marking the beginning of a mutually beneficial cooperation in trying to restore the ecological integrity of the estuary.

I take this opportunity to sincerely thank Robin Marshall, a valued CERCA member and our Bridge Project Coordinator, for his relentless efforts in getting this project completed in time. There is no doubt that without his engagement this feat could not have been accomplished! I also like to acknowledge the effort and energy put into the financial aspects of this project by Margaret Riess, our treasurer, which has been of equal importance to the successful completion of the project. Last not least a big "Thanks" to all of you who volunteered their time in the process and provided me with the much needed moral support to get things done.

Goetz,Chair CERCA


CERCA's Mariners Island Salt Marsh Rehabilitation Project


Salmon Habitat Restoration Bridge Project